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Planning the Next Month


It seems like everything I read these days online is about the election candidates, Ramadan or college.

Seriously! I’m done with the election already. Whatever democrat is the nominee, that’s who I’m voting for. Boom. Done Deal. Next!

Ramadan? Well, honestly I’ve been thinking about and planning for Ramadan for 3 months now. Searching for new breakfast ideas, shopping for Eid abayas, thinking about celebrating the Eid, hosting an iftar or two. Inviting non-Muslims to participate in some small way. Now, it will be here in a week and I’m already done.

I’m a planner. I don’t do spur of the moment. Not usually, ever. Two weeks ago I sat down with my family and talked about last year’s Ramadan. What did you like? What did you hate? What do you want to do differently?

They love the colorful dishes we use. Our decorations. Eating together and then spending the hour or two afterwards just being together.

They didn’t have any complaints.

I suggested inviting someone over for iftar. Mr & Mrs. Imam moved to another state, so they won’t be coming this year. Who should we invite? Lets plan it now before its too late. Community iftars every Saturday – Yes.

Taraweeh at the mosque? Friday and Saturday – Maybe.

Next weekend our little mosque down the street is having its first open house. I was invited to join the planning committee last week. Yes, it was late in the process and everything had already been decided, but I was asked to participate. So, I said yes. I had already invited my good friend to the open house so I knew I would be there. Now, I’ll be there in an official capacity, representing the mosque and being a resource to other visitors.

This week I’m working on wrapping up Spring Cleaning. I started late this year because of outside commitments and now I still have quite a bit left. I feel like I’m on a deadline, even if its self imposed. I guess that helps me to stay focused.

Why am I reading about colleges? Well, Mr. Fox is getting to be that age and we need to go on college visits. He’s got a few ideas about his top pics but we haven’t been on any tours or visits yet. Those also need to be planned for the upcoming weeks so he will know where to apply in the fall.

It all so much more complicated than when I thought about college. When I was that age, my school counselor wasn’t talking to me about making my application look good with volunteering and diversifying my interests. In fact, I don’t remember ever talking to my school counselor. I graduated high school, that summer I took the ACT – once. And applied at the local university.


The Wudu Cling focus group is moving along nicely. I will most likely be announcing the new design soon. This process has been really interesting. Color schemes, word choices, layout…in each change, the design grows and morphs into something just a little better.


Has your summer started already? School ended last Friday and I’m already in the summer mode. I didn’t sleep in today, but got up and made coffee, then started some laundry and did a few chores. But I’m writing from my room instead of the kitchen.

What plans do you have for the next month?


One Comment leave one →
  1. Rhonda b permalink
    06/01/2016 7:16 PM

    I wish I was so much more planned and ready for Ramadan. Have had so much stuff going on, house renovations that will not be done until after Ramadan starts. I am having such a hard time getting my house in order spring cleaning and everything in general. But working avg of 50 hrs a week doesn’t leave me enough time to get everything done. #jealousofyou.

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