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The Nominations Are In…


Last week or so I was given the One Lovely Blog award by a lovely blogger, and I’ve been shuffling around trying to figure out what to do about it until now.

The Rules:

1. Give credit to the awesome person who nominated you

2. Describe 7 things about yourself

3. Nominate 15 other bloggers

I can’t for the life of me remember how I came across MuslimHippie’s blog, but I immediately subscribed, and I look forward to her posts.  I am in awe of her photographing abilities, and I love to wonder if we’d be friends IRL if soo many miles didn’t separate us.

This award came at a time when I wondered if anyone was out there reading, aside from my mother and my husband so, it is uplifting to hear that there are others out there … lurking.

Seven things you’d rather not know about me:

1. I am an introvert and an extrovert at the same time.  Confusing no?

2. I’ve never played a team sport.  EVER.  I can’t say I missed it.

3. Soo many books, soo little time.

4. I’ve never read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy, and many other books you’d think a college educated person should have read.

5. I know a lot of random facts about music and movies.  It’s amazing that I can remember those things but not other stuff.

6.  I love thunderstorms and the rain in general.  I hate all other precipitation.  Especially if I have to leave the house.

7.  I would love to learn Arabic, but I know deep down in my heart that this will never happen unless I’m in a forced immersion environment.  I have no ability to memorize anything and I’ve made peace with that.


Le Sigh. 15 Blogs?  I know I subscribe to a few…but not 15.

1. Cairo, Lusaka, Amsterdam: She questions and struggles. I find myself looking to see how she’s doing, and what she’s done.

2. Melissa Not Dusting: Her photography is an instant break into wonderland.

3. Love, InshaAllah: I read the book, and I love how they continue to share the love stories of American Muslimahs even after they’ve published.  They also sometimes followup with contributors.

4. When The Flames Go Up: The female in this blog is my friend IRL. I love to read this blog because I am in awe of their ability to get past the anger and hate and be amazing parents.

5. Fabric.Com Blog: Free Tutorials on Sewing, Altering and other stuff.  Also, Free Patterns.

6. MuslimahMERICAN: To be honest, I didn’t know she was out there until she wished me a Happy Ramadan.  I’m quite chuffed that she found me.  I can’t wait to have a few hours to burn and go through the archives.  It would be lovely to have a Muslimah Blog Fest a’la BlogHer.  Wouldn’t it?  We could all meet and share our common stories…and not so common stories, and do stuff that women do when they get together…but in a nice way.

This is everything I read on a regular basis.  Some of the blogs I’ve followed in the past don’t get updated any longer, and I usually listen to a load of podcasts instead of sitting still.  Who has time to sit still?

Happy Wednesday!

One Comment leave one →
  1. melissakoski permalink
    08/25/2012 11:22 PM

    Thank you so much for mentioning my blog. I’m glad it offers you respite. I feel I’m involved in a beautiful wonderland when I’m in my yard taking the photos of what I’m surrounded by!

    I loved your 7 things about yourself. (and I don’t think my husband even reads my blog (: luckily my Mom does)

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