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What is this thing?


Oh, before I get started.  Jummah Mubarak Friends!  It is the W E E K E N D!!! Woo Hooo TGIF and all that!~


So, today’s plans were thrown off the rocker when Pea had to stay home from school today.  I am not one of those parents who is able to sit still with the sick child and keep them quietly occupied.  I’ve got too many things on my ‘to do’ list.  I do keep them comfy, keep them suitably medicated and hydrated and occupied.  I check in with them, read stories and visit in-between chores.

Todays chore was cleaning out the kitchen cabinets.  (Collective Groan)


 I was sick of seeing breadcrumbs where there should only be clean dishes.



When I got to the drawer that holds the baking tools and lesser used gadgetry I came across this nifty tool.



Yes, it is another one of those kitchen things I never saw until I met my husband and started cooking Egyptian foods.  Upon further digging into the drawer, I found that I had not one…



But 4.  LOL  So, I know there are many of you who know what these are…but tell me, before you knew what they were used for…when you were in the Middle Eastern kitchen gadgets department…what did you guess?

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